For More Information or Answers to Questions about the Southern Virginia Daylily Club**
Please contact us:**
** President:** Belinda Sheppard - email:
** Vice President:** Debbie Parsons - email:
** Secretary:** Libby Keim - email:
Treasurer:** Louise Walton - email:
** Plants for Members Chair:** Charles Stallard - email:
** Membership Chair:** David Keim - email:
** Webmaster: **David Keim - email:
The Southern Virginia Daylily Club is a non-profit organization. The following purposes are expressly limited so that SVDC qualifies as an exempt organization (in accordance with the applicable sections of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code Section 501 (c) (3) dated 1954 or the corresponding provision of any future U. S. Internal Revenue Law):
A: To support educational and scientific research related to the genus Hemerocallis in conjunction with the objectives of the American Hemerocallis Society (AHS).
B: To promote, encourage, and foster interest in and proper cultivation and improvement of the genus Hemerocallis.
C: To provide a varied program of horticultural and social events for the enjoyment, education, and advancement of its members and the public.
D: To encourage membership in the American Hemerocallis Society and actively seek affiliation with AHS.
A copy of our bylaws can be viewed by looking at the first document link under the documents stored on our NEWSLETTER Section.**